siFRAMO Modular Rooftop Solutions, University of Plymouth
Posted on 23-07-2024
Our customer (M&E Contractor), was part of the project team
involved with the £63,000,000 regeneration of an existing University of Plymouth building. The goal was to create a state-of-the-art New Engineering & Design Facility (NEDF) which would encompass more than 10,000 square metres of research and teaching space to inspire and educate the next generation of engineers and designers.
What Was Required?
As part of this project, a bespoke rooftop support frame solution was required to carry ductwork at high level onto a plant deck where it would connect and link into exhaust fans. In addition to this, the bespoke framework would also need to integrate with existing services and plant equipment that were present on a lower deck.
Kernow’s Involvement

Kernow’s in-house Technical Team were responsible for developing the support frame solution that would safely support the required loads and also fit neatly around and link in with pre-existing plant equipment.
This involved completing the analysis, producing the required frame designs and drawings, then supplying and delivering the specified siFRAMO components to site ready for installation.
All calculations and reaction forces were sent to the structural engineer for confirmation that the existing building roof structure could take the loads applied by the framework.
Why siFRAMO?
The modular framing solution, siFRAMO, was chosen for this project due to its many benefits over other more traditional options. It would provide extremely high torsional strength in relation to its weight, so would be ideal for the rooftop location where weight and accessibility were major considerations. No hot works are required for this solution either, with components easily transported to the site location and assembled on the rooftop.
The siFRAMO solution would provide a quick and straightforward install, even allowing for last minute adjustments and additional connections due to its flexibility.
Overcoming Challenges
There were many unique factors that had to be considered throughout the NEDF project. Firstly, as the framework legs were to be located on a plantdeck, the frame’s leg locations had to be carefully co-ordinated to avoid any clashes.
Secondly, it was requested that the frame be mounted on non-penetrative feet. However, due to negative reaction forces in the calculations, steel stubs would need to be added at 7 locations to remove these uplift forces. The stubs would form part of a bolted connection required at these specific points. The data was again shared with the engineer to review the forces applied to the building structure.
Finally, due to the building being located in a busy city centre with the framework partially on view, Kernow had to attend meetings with the project architects to ensure they were happy with the final design and gain approval before supplying the proposed frame.
Kernow worked very closely with the M&E contractor, consultant, main contractor and architect throughout the NEDF project to develop a workable solution for all parties. The siFRAMO frame was successfully supplied and installed around and linked into pre-existing plant equipment, whilst safely and securely supporting the required loads.
For more information on our off-site services, see here or download our Pre-Fab Brochure.