EVA Anti-Vib 50x50x20mm Mounting Pad - MP-2E

Stock Code: 22060

EVA™ Anti-vibration pads are designed to eliminate vibrations emanating from appliances such as condensing units and air source heat pumps.

This product consists of a polymetric foam core laminated with two-ribbed, 90 degree opposed, rubber sheets.

-Safe working load - 3.5kg per cm2
-Special Composite Foam Centre
-Available in 5 sizes

Material Specification: Rubber Used as the anti-vibration surface on the top / bottom of the pad.

This rubber is a styrene butadiene rubber with aggresive tensile strength and characteristics suitable for the application.

EVA Used as the core vibration dampening material.

This EVA material is a polymetric foam material.

It is constructed out of a blend of ethyl vinyl acetate and other enhancements.

Pack Qty1
Height Max20mm

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